
One of the most effective ways ZSL’s EDGE of Existence programme ( is working to secure the future of EDGE species is by awarding two-year Fellowships to future conservation leaders “EDGE Fellows” working on poorly-known EDGE bird, mammal, amphibian, reptile or coral species…
Montreal, 25 May 2016 – With Congo’s accession on 16 May 2016, the Nagoya–Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety needs only six more ratifications to enter into force. The Supplementary Protocol aims to contribute to the conservation and…
Conservation Workshop Grants fund organizations to train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on local and regional conservation issues. These grants support training workshops with a strong hands-on learning component that will build capacity for people living in WWF priority places…
Montreal/Rome, 9 August 2016 – The 23rd session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO23), which took place in Rome, Italy 18-22 July 2016, took an effective approach that focused on the interlinkages between forest and other sectors and issues, including biodiversity and climate change. COFO23 helped…
The Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) includes as one of its operating principles the following commitment: Recognize and respect the contribution of indigenous and local knowledge to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems. The…
The Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustanable Development (MINEPDED), as the executing agency for the Cameroon Biosecurity project titled: "Development and Institution of a National Monitoring and Control System (Framework) for Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) and Invasive Alien…
The call for scholarship applications for Master programmes (ICP) and trainings (ITP) in 2017 has been launched. The deadline for submission of a candidacy depends on the training or Master programme you are applying for. International Courses Programme (ICP) With the International Courses Programme…
The opening of registration for the six-week Massive Open Online Course on Greening Consumption and Production, which has been jointly developed by the Secretatiat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with the NBSAP Forum. The Nature…
BioCAP: Biodiversity Capacity Development Update has been developed to provide periodic updates on the implementation of the short-term action plan on capacity-building adopted in Cancun by the Conference of the Parties, with a particular focus on the main outcomes of the capacity development and…
Avec 16,7 millions d’hectares de forêt (presque 30% du territoire), la France possède une biodiversité fongique importante dans laquelle les macromycètes (gros champignons) sont bien représentés. Les amateurs de champignons sont nombreux et chaque saison mycologique est assortie d’intoxications des…