Call master and training scholarships 2017
The call for scholarship applications for Master programmes (ICP) and trainings (ITP) in 2017 has been launched. The deadline for submission of a candidacy depends on the training or Master programme you are applying for.
International Courses Programme (ICP)
With the International Courses Programme VLIR-UOS funds master courses of 1 or 2 years on a development oriented subject at a Flemish university. The courses focus mainly on participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America and are taught in English. VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to follow the courses.
To qualify for funding by VLIR-UOS the master courses must meet the following requisites:
They focus on a development oriented subject.
- They mainly focus on participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America who have already followed a course of at least 3 years in a higher education institution, and who have a relevant social position in their home country.
- They aim to diffuse knowledge and experience.
- The teaching methods are adapted to the specific needs of the participants.
Students and professionals from one of the 31 scholarship countries can apply for a scholarship to participate in an International Course that is recognized and funded by VLIR-UOS.
From October on scholarship applications can be submitted.
Apart from the scholarships, VLIR-UOS provides structural funding to the selected International Courses.
Stefan Wellens
Coordinator North & Human Resources Management
[t] + 32 2 289 05 56
International Training Programme (ITP)
With the International Training Programme VLIR-UOS funds practical trainings of 1 to 4 months on a development oriented subject at Flemish universities and university colleges. The trainings focus mainly on participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America and are taught in English, at Flemish universities or university colleges. VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to follow the trainings.
The participants should have some professional or research experience and possess at least a bachelor degree. Natives of a country outside the 31 scholarship countries can participate in the training but do not qualify for a scholarship.
Professors and teachers of Flemish universities and university colleges can submit a project proposal for an International Training Programme.
VLIR-UOS aims to give young scientists and professionals the opportunity to follow a course in Flanders, in an international environment. The programme aims to exchange knowledge and skills to contribute to the local development of the home countries of the participants and to global development.
The funding of an International Training Programme includes, in addition to the scholarships for participants, a project fee for the organizing university or university college. This fee consists of bench fees per VLIr-UOS sponsored participant (€ 49 per participant per day). This allowance covers the deployment of academic and administrative staff as well as logistical expenses, communication expenses and teaching aids.
Ragna Frans
Scholarships Officer
[t] + 32 289 05 57