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Republic of Cameroon
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sp-2023-02-02-wetland-en.pdf Water. For too long this precious, life-giving resource has been taken for granted in so many places. In some parts of the world, it is easy to turn on a faucet and give no thought or consideration to where the water is coming from and who still lacks access to it. This…
Fisheye view of coral reef and divers. Photo: Wu, UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition
The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations (“OLA/DOALOS”), is now accepting applications for the 2023 session of the United Nations - The Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship Programme. The objective of the United Nations – The…
flyer cover

The International Training for Safer Food (ITS Food) is an advanced international training event on the subject of food safety risk management.

ITS Food provides you with in-depth knowledge on food safety as well as risk and crisis management in Germany and the European Union. The training will

image of ITS-FOOD flyer
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BVL‘s International Training for Safer Food is a virtual event aimed at staff working in public authorities of non-EU countries handling issues related to food safety. In 2023 it will focus on residues and contaminants.

cop15 équipe du Cameroun
Cameroon defends the urgency of a special financing mechanism for Biodiversity and the need for capacity building for all. In front of the members of Governments from all over the world present today at the High Level Segment of the second part of the COP 15, the Minister of Environment, Protection…

It is essentially a review of the work of the sixteenth and seventeenth sessions of the said committee which examined and addressed compliance issues related to the submission by the States Parties to the said Protocol of the fourth report, action plans and the animation of the Biosafety Clearing

This report was delivered during the plenary session of working group N°2 on December 10 by Mr. Rigobert NTEP from Cameroon, one of the co-leads of the said contact group. The aim was to take stock of the progress of the work of the contact group, because the latter was unable to conclude its work

family photo cop 15 biodiversity
The world's most important meeting on Biological Diversity opened on Wednesday, December 7 in Montreal, Canada, and has already started to move forward with a series of meetings and side events that will continue until December 19. Cameroon naturally prepared a mixed delegation headed by H.E. HELE…
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1 July 2022

By proclaiming May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity, the United Nations has taken the option to continuously raise awareness about the value and importance of biodiversity for human well-being. Adopted in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the main platform