COP 15 on Biodiversity: Cameroon is @ the Spotlight
The world's most important meeting on Biological Diversity opened on Wednesday, December 7 in Montreal, Canada, and has already started to move forward with a series of meetings and side events that will continue until December 19.
Cameroon naturally prepared a mixed delegation headed by H.E. HELE Pierre, Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development. The various experts concerned and focal points from MINEPDED and other sectoral administrations are present, notably Mrs. ELOUNDOU Thérèse Babette, National Focal Point of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and Mr. Rigobert NTEP, Focal Point of the Associated Protocol of Cartagena on Biosafety Mrs. MBOM Gertrude, Focal Point of the ITPGRFA at Minader
The stakes are high for the members of government, experts and representatives of civil society, indigenous peoples and local communities from all over the world gathered in Montreal. The abundance of their ideas and the synthesis of their aspirations should indeed result in the adoption of an equitable global framework for biodiversity in the world, defining a set of objectives that will guide global action until 2030 to halt the loss of nature.
The day of Wednesday 9 December at this COP 15 was marked in particular by meetings of the Africa group, with Cameroon as one of the leaders, and pilot country for Africa. Discussions focused on point 7 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, relating to the implementation plan and the capacity building action plan. Mr. Rigobert NTEP, Focal Point, made an expert intervention during this segment.
In addition, Mrs. Eloundou Josephine is among those who carry the voice of Africa on issues related to resource mobilization, goals A and B and targets 2, 3 and 11 of the global biodiversity framework relating respectively to restoration, conservation and the contribution of nature to human well-being.
In addition, Cameroon also carries the voice of Africa on issues related to capacity building, technical and scientific cooperation and technology transfer for the implementation of the New Global Biodiversity Framework for the post-2020 period. This voice is carried by Mr. Patamaken Aneck Simon Ndibnuh who had the honour of being appointed as Co-Chair of the Friends of the Chairs group, which deals with capacity building issues.
It should be noted that in addition to the plenary sessions and group meetings, Cameroon has a beautiful showcase in the exhibition hall where it has a stand that presents the richness of Cameroon's biodiversity as well as the actions carried out by Cameroon and its authorities in favor of nature conservation. The stand is manned by executives from the Cameroonian delegation, notably those from the Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, as well as The Youth. The COP 15 continues serenely for Cameroon.
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