18. Traditional knowledge respected and integrated

Item index
Official name
Traditional knowledge respected and integrated

TARGET 16: By 2020, the sharing of benefits from payments for the sustainable utilisation of biodiversity, genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge should increase incomes of local communities.

Benefits sharing from access and the utilization of biological and genetic resources is highly inequitable and the valorization of the associated traditional knowledge is inexistent. As a consequence, access to biological and genetic resources have not significantly contributed to improving the livelihoods of local communities. Compensation schemes for the utilization of biological resources should be expanded beyond forests and the new strategy for ABS should be made operational with appropriate regulations and guidelines.

Document type
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 February 2006

Village development planning: A collaborative management model for meaningful community conservation around protected areas.

Document type
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 January 2009

Protected areas and human displacement: A conservation perspective.

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