Cameroon has a large number of laws and regulations on the environment and sustainable development. However, these texts have not always been easily accessible, both for the community of users and actors of their implementation including the jurisdictional actors.
This state of affairs compromises the achievement of the objectives assigned by the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) declined through the following priority axes:
• Integrating the principles of sustainable development into national policy making;
• Sustainable management of natural resources;
• The fight against pollution and nuisances;
Improved governance and strategic management of the Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development sub-sector. This collection brings together in a single document most of the legislative and regulatory texts relating to environmental issues with a view to promoting the effective integration of environmental considerations into all human activities in Cameroon.
This document is an important tool in the decision-making process at the strategic level. Its objective is to contribute to the improvement of environmental performance, policy makers, researchers, students, lawyers, economic operators, development partners, civil society actors, populations and of all the other actors. In addition, it will accelerate the effective application of legislation and regulations in this sector of activity.
Thus conceived, this collection of texts is part of the response to government requirements for improving governance in the public sector.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Support Program for the implementation of the GIZ Forest-Environment Rural Sector Development Strategy, whose technical and financial support was decisive for the production of this compendium.