International Symposium on Tree Product Value Chains in Africa

Document type
cover of international symposium

The conference is organised by the Agroforestry Tree Products for Africa (AFTP4A) project, financed by the Belgian Development Cooperation in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project contributes to improving participation and active involvement of poor farmers in agroforestry tree product value chains and markets in order to increase and diversify their incomes. The project follows the value chain approach and involves all economic actors who contribute directly to the production, processing, transport and commercialisation of a product up to the consumption stage. Ending the AFTP4A project, the organizing committee is proud to present the International Symposium on ‘Tree Product Value Chains in Africa: Sharing Innovations that Work for Smallholders’, to be held in Yaounde, Cameroon from 26 to 28 November 2012.

Publication date (of file/URL)
25 November 2012