Information and Awareness Raising Component
- Production of an interoperable database of introduced species for Cameroon
- National Biological Invasions Communications and Awareness-raising Plan
- Quantification Of Baseline Knowledge And Attitudes Concerning Biological Invasions In Cameroon
- The designing of a biological invasions monitoring network for Cameroon
- The quantification of the social, Cultural, economic, environmental And biological impact of priority Invasive species in cameroon
- Black and white lists of priority invasive species and management approaches for Cameroon
- Quantification of end of project Knowledge levels concerning biological Invasions and LMOs in Cameroon
- List of major invasive species in Cameroon
- Quantification of mid-project knowledge levels concerning biological invasions in Cameroon
- Quantification of the occurrence and abundance of priority invasive species in Cameroon
- Consultancy to upload biosecurity information into information hubs (the international phytosanitary portal, the Convention on Biological Diversity, Clearing House Mechanism and the National Biosafety Clearing House)
- Evaluation de l’impact social, culturel, économique, environnemental et biologique des espèces envahissantes prioritaires au Cameroun
- Quantification des connaissances de base et des attitudes à l’égard des invasions biologiques au Cameroun