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The Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) has commissioned under a Biosecurity Project entitled ‘Development and institution of a National Monitoring and Control System for Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) and Invasive Alien Species (IAS)’, the

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Activity B14b was implemented with the aim of producing an inspection manual to manage introductions of IAS and LMOs into Cameroon. By the end of the Manual, trainees are expected to:


  • Demonstrate an understanding of inspection systems, inspection methods and treatments processes for
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This manual provides a “one-stop shop” for accessing information on management methods available for a range of prominent biological invaders known to be present in Cameroon.

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La présente étude a été entreprise pour déterminer le niveau de connaissances des principales parties prenantes et les sensibiliser sur les causes et les conséquences des invasions biologiques et des OVM au Cameroun, ainsi que sur les approches dans la gestion de celles-ci.

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Le travail présenté dans ce rapport a deux objectifs principaux: 1) analyser les impacts sociaux, culturels, économiques, environnementaux et biologiques des invasions biologiques au Cameroun à travers divers secteurs, (par exemple, l'agriculture et la conservation) et documenter les réponses

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Les informations relatives à la biosécurité au Cameroun concernent généralement :

  • La législation appliquée ;
  • Les points d'entrées (ou postes de contrôle) créés sur le territoire national ;
  • Les informations sur le point focal national (ou point de contact) ;
  • Des rapports périodiques
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This study was undertaken to establish the framework of biological invasions in Cameroon. Two studies have been conducted on the quantification, occurrence and abundance of the Cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti) in the Centre Region and the Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Littoral

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This consultancy is executed as Activity D2 under Component 4 on Information and Awareness under the UNEP-GEF Cameroon Biosecurity Project (CBP). The CBP aims to increase capacity to prevent and control the introduction, establishment and spread of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and management of LMOs

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This report is the product of a consultancy under the GEF funded Cameroon Biosecurity Project (CBP), with the aim of producing an up to date list of major invasive species in Cameroon. The list is based upon information available from Cameroon and globally. The information will be useful for those

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This consultancy is executed as Activity D3 under Component 4 on Information and Awareness under the UNEP-GEF Cameroon Biosecurity Project (CBP). The CBP aims to increase capacity to prevent and control the introduction, establishment and spread of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and management of LMOs