
family photo cop 15 biodiversity
The world's most important meeting on Biological Diversity opened on Wednesday, December 7 in Montreal, Canada, and has already started to move forward with a…
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Lundi 30 mai 2022 s’est tenue au Palais des Congrès de Yaoundé au Cameroun, la cérémonie marquant la commémoration de la 29 ème journée internationale…
Image d'une forêt dense au Cameroun
Le gouvernement camerounais appelle à l’union nationale autour de la biodiversité. La déforestation et le braconnage n’ont pas encore atteint la côte d’alerte dans le…
Image du safou dans un sac
Le safou, issu du safoutier, est un fruit très apprécié au Cameroun et dans le Bassin du Congo. Il est utilisé comme ingrédient principal dans…
remise des smartphones aux communautés de deng deng
Depuis janvier 2020, il est facile pour les ressortissants des villages Ouami, Déoulé, Lom Pangar, Deng Deng et Kambo-Cassi dans la région de l'Est-Cameroun de…


Out of the 167 freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas identified, mapped and validated throughout the Mediterranean region, 75 percent were found outside the boundaries of any pre-existing protected areas or other KBAs, according to the main results of an IUCN assessment revealed today at the IUCN World…

Derniers Evènements

Un atélier  de validation de la stratégie nationale de l'APA Cameroun se tiendra le vendredi 20 juillet 2012 au Palais des congrès de Yaoundé à partir de 09h00.

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Standards that describe and support the exchange of biodiversity information are a critical scientific infrastructure. They enable data to be integrated in support of research, as well as decision-making and conservation planning. Ultimately, standards extend the usability of data across taxa


EOSC Symposium 2020, organised by the project in collaboration with the EOSC Executive and Governing Boards, is going virtual on 19 to 22 October 2020 (mornings only).

The main objectives of this year Symposium are:

  • to show the value of EOSC to research performing
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Invitation to the Second extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, First extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, and the First extraordinary meeting of

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The International Training for Safer Food (ITS Food) is an advanced international training event on the subject of food safety risk management.

ITS Food provides you with in-depth knowledge on food safety as well as risk and crisis management in Germany and the European Union. The training will